What purpose does oxygen have for the human body, and how does it affect the body

One critical role that oxygen plays in the body is that it is used to oxidize our food, in the process of cellular respiration, thus releasing energy, which is eventually stored in ATP in the electron transport chain in mitochondria, and in glycolysis in the cytoplasm. Carbohydrates and fatty acids are gradually broken down to simpler carbohydrates, and then oxidized in our cells … producing energy, carbon dioxide, and water. It’s basically a highly controlled process of burning our food that gives us the energy we need to live.

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Why is oxygen important to human life

The primary importance of oxygen is that it is critical for cellular respiration in all aerobic organisms. Oxygen also has medical uses including oxygen therapy, high-pressure treatment, and in protective suits made for space and deep sea exploration. Oxygen destroys harmful bacteria in human bodies, and is used to treat victims of carbon monoxide.

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Why Oxygen is Important to body Cells

Oxygen is extremely important to all the cells of our body. Without oxygen molecules (O2) we will begin to die within three to four minutes, unless our bodies are much cooler than normal, such as, when immersed in cold water. Yet individual oxygen atoms (O) within our bodies are classified as free radicals, very dangerous poisons.

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What does oxygen do in human body

The Oxygen is a highly soluble element that is critical to biological functions, notably respiration. It comprises about 16 to 21 percent of Earth’s atmosphere, allowing it to be inhaled and converted to carbon dioxide to power the cells of aerobic organisms. Most animals and plants on Earth require oxygen to survive. As an element, oxygen builds the critical components of the biosphere: water, soil and air. According to the Royal Society of Chemistry, oxygen accounts for “two-thirds of the human body and nine-tenths of water.”

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Why do human need oxygen in our tissues

The human body needs more oxygen during exercise because the muscles need to produce more energy for the body to become more active, explains the Lung Institute of Western Australia. This is done by breaking down glucose from food. The LIWA expounds that oxygen is necessary to break down glucose from food. If there is an insufficient amount of oxygen, the body’s muscles will try to produce energy in another way.

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Why does the body need more oxygen during exercise

The humans breathe approximately 432 liters of oxygen per day, and that oxygen helps the tissues in the human body function properly. The body needs approximately 352.8 liters of oxygen per day when the body is at rest. Humans need oxygen to provide nutrients to all of the cells in their bodies. If tissues and cells go without oxygen, then they begin to die quickly. For example, brain cells can only go without oxygen for three minutes before they begin to die. After three minutes of no oxygen, permanent brain damage begins to spread throughout the brain’s tissues.

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Benefits of Oxygen in Human Body

・Increases stem cell growth ・Increases white blood cell production and strength ・Significantly shortens the inflammatory process ・Increases oxygen levels in tissues (hyperoxia) ・Significantly reduces swelling

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Stress And Oxygen

When we learn that each stressful event in our life can drop our oxygen score drastically we can begin to understand how central to successful treatment oxygen can be. As we age our oxygen level drops on average of 5 points per ten years. Between ages 30-40 our oxygen level drops the most (up to 10 points. The danger zone is an oxygen level of 60 or less. We could all live happily until 120 if properly supplied with oxygen and are in good health.

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Oxygen and Anti-Aging

The body’s ability to transfer oxygen to the cells becomes damaged as we age. When oxygen pressure falls, there is not enough pressure to push the volume to a usable state inside the cells. This transfer of oxygen from the blood to the cells is perhaps the most significant underlying factor in whether we live a healthy life or not. The more damaged the transfer mechanism becomes; the more likely we will become ill. This is why we are more susceptible to illness as we age.

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Oxygen Can Boost Energy in our Daily Life

Our very lives depend on oxygen. Oxygen feeds our bodies, supports our immune systems, destroys toxins, and generates new cell growth. We obtain 90% of our total energy from oxygen, and only 10% from food and water.

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By John Burroughs

The human body is about two-thirds oxygen

In the human body, the oxygen is absorbed by the blood stream in the lungs, being then transported to the cells where an elaborated change process takes place. Oxygen plays a vital role in the breathing processes and in the metabolism of the living organisms. The nutrient compounds, inside of the cell, are oxidized through complex enzymatic processes. This oxidation is the source of energy of most of the animals, mainly of mammals.

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By Jessie Szalay

What Are Free Radicals?

The human body is under constant attack from oxidative stress. Oxygen in the body splits into single atoms with unpaired electrons. Electrons like to be in pairs, so these atoms, called free radicals, scavenge the body to seek out other electrons so they can become a pair. This causes damage to cells, proteins and DNA.

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By Scott Ridl

Importance of Oxygen for people with Diabetes

Once your body becomes resistant to insulin, or is unable to produce insulin, causing your blood sugar level to spike, you become susceptible to another set of medical issues. You might start to lose your eyesight, and you can start to develop sores on your feet. These sores are caused by tissue damage, and can even lead to the need for amputation.

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By John Lazarou

Oxygen may improve vision worsened by diabetes

Oxygen delivered to the body may improve poor vision caused by diabetic macular edema, fluid buildup in the part of the eye responsible for central vision, according to a pilot study by scientists at Johns Hopkins and the National Eye Institute.

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By Benedict Jephcote

Is oxygen really the key to insulin resistance?

Oxygen is key to life but could it also be a key factor in insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes? We take a look at the evidence behind this idea and also which methods could use oxygen towards our advantage in tackling insulin resistance. Some research studies appear to show quite conclusively that restricting oxygen intake does indeed result in increased insulin resistance.

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By Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P)

Effect of oxygen on sex life

The secret to great sex and better performance and pleasure in bed is oxygen delivered to the cells in high quantities. Most doctors and people do not know that the ultimate aphrodisiac is oxygen. Breathing oxygen seems to get a “man’s motor running,” and oxygen-rich blood is one of the most important components for erectile health. Oxygen levels vary widely from reduced levels in the flaccid state to very high in the erect state. For women, it relaxes them and makes them feel sensual and sexual.

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By Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P)

Oxygen-rich Blood and Sex Life

Oxygen-rich blood is one of the most important components for erectile health. Oxygen affects two substances that are important in achieving erection: Oxygen suppresses transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-B1). TGF-B1 is a component of the immune system called a cytokine and is produced by smooth muscle cells. It appears to stimulate collagen production in the corpus cavernosum, which can lead to erectile dysfunction.

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By Becky Jansen

Effect of Low Oxygen in Sex Life

Healthy blood oxygen levels are essential to achieving and maintaining an erection. In fact, the higher levels of oxygen in your blood, the better sex you’re going to have. So if you have low oxygen levels, you aren’t going to get those rock hard erections you’re used to. Unfortunately, simple aging can cause those low oxygen levels you’re trying to avoid. And since there’s no way to prevent aging, it’s easy to think there’s nothing you can do about the low oxygen levels. However, there are steps you can take to raise your blood oxygen levels.

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By Jim Bowen MA LPC

More Oxygen for Good Sexual Intimacy

Add oxygen or energy to your body to feel good, warm, and tingly, especially when you maintain a grounded position. Try a different kind of breathing, called “charge” breathing. A set of ten upper chest quick-breaths, a sudden intake of air, brings oxygen in to your body rapidly. Then, change back to belly breathing for ten or more slow belly breaths, allowing the tingly warm oxygen to spread down through your body, to feel calm and alive at the same time! Experienced couples know how to breathe in sets together: charge breathing for ten or twenty breaths, followed by grounding/belly breathing for another ten or twenty breaths, over and over. This gradually increases the sexual charge between partners, so a few minutes later both are grounded, tingly, pulsing, and calm, which allows for a buildup towards electric sex later.

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By Kaitlyn Dreyling

What does Oxygen do for skin beauty

From spa treatments and masks to foundation and moisturizers, oxygen is one of the hottest ingredients around. But why does our skin need the added O2? Uncover the various reasons oxygen and skin care go hand in hand. "Oxygen has proven benefits for the skin." "If you get burned and go to a hospital, you are put in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. If you have a brain injury or if your body is in any type of distress, oxygen is administered. The reason for this is that oxygen stimulates the body’s natural healing function. It’s anti-inflammatory and stimulates collagen production. It’s also antibacterial."

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The Eating Oxygen has resulted from years of research, testing and dedication, which made this natural product to an exceptionally safe and high-standard for human health. To avoid risk of fake product, always buy Eating Oxygen from the stores/websites that are verified & recognized by EatingOxygen.com or by Japan Anti Fraud Organization. Also double check if it is really Japanese product at Made in Japan Organization

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  • Address: 4-4-1 Taishido, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 154-0004, Japan
  • TEL: +81334115877
  • E-mail: export@eatingoxygen.com